Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tricks and treats


Remember how I didn't gain any weight after being a fatty fat-pants?



I more than made up for my efforts.

This week is a record HIGH on the fat scale - I gained 2.8kg! I not only gained back what I lost bu a bit more again.

You can imagine I'm feeling super about this right now - not.

I'm consoling myself with the fact that I have a fantastic couple of weeks coming up - the new job starts after a week of finishing the course I started all those months ago, there's a ball in Sydney to go to with my wonderful man and best of all it'll be Spring soon and I'll be able to start walking in my lovely leafy neighbourhood.

So I'm not going to keep blogging on about how fat I am, but I will tell you this - the man has agreed to spend the week eating JC meals with me.

So 3kg loss, here I come!

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great blog April,you should be really proud of you're self! and good ol' JC meals been there! lol
